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Taiwan Virtual Expo 2020 Malaysia- experience a different online expo business opportunities.

Everyone knows times are going tougher this year 2020 so all of us are starting to adapt to the " new normal". Something that really surprised me to share something with you guys for today's blog is, Taiwan Expo is in Malaysia this year for the 4th consecutive year and this time it will be an  online expo ! This virtual exhibition is going to held on November 25th to 27th covering informative online seminars, exclusive one-on-one e business matching session for about 200 Taiwanese exhibitors and Malaysia exhibitors to explore business opportunities. 

Let's celebrate Mid Autumn Festival 2017 with Ghee Hiang Mooncake {义香月饼篇}

又来到一年一度的中秋节啦。。。想想这篇文应该用华语写才能表达我对中秋节的期待和心情。 八月十五庆中秋节最珍贵的当然是一家人聚在一起吃月饼和赏月的时光了对吧? 那应该要怎么挑选好吃又经济实惠的月饼呢 ? 近年来市面上都售卖着各式各样的月饼,传统的,冰皮月饼,果味月饼等等。 而今年我本身选择了 {义香} 传统月饼,可能个人比较传统, 而且觉得传统月饼用来送礼也比较合适。 义香从1856年传承至今在槟城可说是相当热门的土产圣地之一,其实义香也有自家出售月饼而且味道还很不错呢!

When East meets West Afternoon Tea @ Teels Heritage Cafe

How about a perfect east meets west treats?  Recently we've visited Ghee Hiang's own cafe "Teels Heritage Cafe" which is located at Burmah Road, Penang. Ghee Hiang ,a Malaysian brand built over 160 years ,all we know since childhood days is their famous pastries Tau Sar Pheah 豆沙饼, Hneoh Pneah 香饼, Beh Teh Saw 马蹄酥 and of course the sesame oil that every penangite love ! The boutique interior of Teels cafe is decorated in a British Colonial Style which consists of two dining room that suits all dining occasions.

Who is Iris Yeoh ?

Oh well, i guess i should start my first blog post by introducing myself. Hi everyone, this is Iris here :) 26 years old   single  current location : Penang, Malaysia Here i am to tell the stories of my life. Let me start with some of my experiences in my life :) A brief one , i guess ?  I was a student in Disted college Penang doing my Degree in Accounting and Finance back in 2012, and that's the time where i started to join in roadshows, photo shoot and freelance job. Throughout all these years, been working for various events and of course along the way i did meet a lot of awesome people in life.